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The Race to a Long-Lasting Battery

Written by Haylie Batres | September 24, 2020


The race for the next long-lasting battery seems to be never-ending. As you may know, batteries are in high demand and are expected to increase in demand significantly over the next 20 years. They are used in nearly all technology today—including smartphones, laptops, power tools, and medical devices, to name a few—and power some of today's most innovative vehicles on the road and in the sky. In fact, there could be as many as 2500 million electric vehicles (EVs) on the road by 2030, according to the International Energy Agency

This is why AES has been engineering and manufacturing battery test chambers and testing fixtures for years now, primarily for large industry leaders. Only recently have we seen an uptick in battery testing from universities and startup companies because the search for safe, longer-lasting batteries is essential. 

As batteries age, they slowly lose power and storage capacity, a challenge companies are working to address. EnergyX, for example, seeks to create a battery capable of 10x higher density that would out-charge conventional rechargeable batteries by 500%. The solid electrolytes are non-flammable, which in the end, provides a safer solution. 

Since batteries remain expensive to manufacture and test, Blackstone is looking to significantly lower costs with solid-state batteries. The company has been investing in battery technology that includes patented 3D-printing techniques and research into the mass production of batteries. "This could be a game-changer for the development of solid-state batteries,” a Blackstone press release reads. “An automated 3D-printing production process could save up to 70% of the traditional Capex used to produce solid-state batteries. Solid-state batteries are also safer as they do not use flammable liquid electrolytes that are also more harmful to the environment."

As this race continues, we look forward to seeing the development of safer, longer-lasting, rechargeable batteries and the countless innovations that will follow.