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3 Test Chamber Sizes to Consider


Environmental test chambers are used for various applications across industries. While each chamber is personalized to the specific needs and testing goals, the most common models produced by manufacturers range in volume from small units of 0.5 to 64 cubic feet (14 to 1,812 liters) to walk-in chambers averaging 1,123 cubic feet (31,789 liters). Drive-in units are a possible choice for businesses looking to test oversized products, such as several electric vehicles, at once.

View Our In-Stock Environmental Test Chambers

So, how do you decide which test chamber is right for you? Associated Environmental Systems is a leading test chamber supplier that can help. Learn more from our team about which critical factors to consider when going through the buying process

1. Test Chamber Requirements & Product-to-Workspace Ratio

Knowing your testing regulations and requirements is essential to choosing the right test chamber. For many types of testing, the suggested ratio for many testing tests regarding product volume to the total workspace is around 1:3. This proportion allows for adequate airflow to the device under test (DUT) and ensures complete conditioning. 

Although the 1:3 ratio is most common, it doesn’t always apply. For instance, highly dense products might require a larger workspace. On the other end of the spectrum, products that are less dense or are optimized for airflow (think of a computer chassis with built-in vents) can take up a larger portion of the workspace without compromising the effectiveness of the tests.

2. Live Loads & Density of DUT

While considering which test chamber to buy, it’s important to understand if your product will give off heat during testing, often called live load. If your product generates a lot of heat, the workspace would need to be larger to account for the airflow inside the chamber. The added heat also adversely affects the chamber’s pulldown rates. In addition to a bigger workspace, you might require a more powerful refrigeration system to maintain your desired conditions. The same is true for heavier and denser products since it take longer to be conditioned.

3. Laboratory Test Chamber Space

Understanding your lab space is a critical component of choosing the right chamber. When evaluating your lab, keep in mind the following:

Ambient Room Conditions: Spacing & Temperature for Test Chanbers

Testing chambers generate a lot of heat during tests, requiring 18 to 36 inches of clearance in all directions to work properly. If your chamber doesn’t have proper airflow, it will negatively affect your chamber’s performance, causing it to overwork to regulate its internal temperature to the programmed setting. Test chambers should operate in rooms with an average ambient temperature of 23°C (70°F). This ensures your test characteristics only fluctuate when you want to change them. Make sure to confirm the building’s heating and cooling systems can maintain an adequate ambient temperature while the chamber is running.

Footprint: Oven, Benchtop, and Floor Models

Test chambers can be categorized into oven, benchtop, and floor models. Ovens require the least space since they don’t include humidity or refrigeration. They’re typically used for heat-only testing at steady temperatures. Benchtop models perform similarly but offer more flexibility in spaces with specific requirements and mobility needs, as they can be placed on a stand or your counter. You can even maximize your space with benchtop rack-and-stack models.  

Mobility & Location

Where will your test chamber be located? Will there be objects surrounding it? Having the answers to these questions before purchase is beneficial to ensure your chamber will adequately accommodate your lab space. For instance, you’ll need to have the appropriate electrical power and voltage requirements to avoid malfunction or the need to purchase an adaptor. 

View Our In-Stock Test Chambers

At AES, we’re here to support your testing needs. Our team is more than willing to discuss our environmental test chamber products and services to determine which chamber is right for you. View our wide range of in-stock test chambers ready to ship from our headquarters in Acton, MA, or Santa Clara, CA. If you visit us in person, you can even select and take home a chamber within the same day. Throughout each step of the buying process, we’ll work alongside you to ensure your chamber, lab space, and products for testing are set up for success. 

Ready to learn more? Get in touch with a sales engineer today