Introducing Our Battery Testing Solutions White Paper

Associated Environmental Systems (AES) recently published our white paper, “Battery Testing Solutions: ATP Cost of Ownership.” This comprehensive white paper designed for all customers is the culmination of knowledge and insights from our team of full-solution experts. Industries from EVs to consumer electronics looking for a better battery testing solution have the opportunity to discover the value and cost-effectiveness of the ATP® series.
The global battery market is at an all-time high. Valued at $107.48 billion in 2022, it’s expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.8% from 2023 to 2032. With battery testing essential for determining battery performance, safety, and reliability, industries are looking for testing solutions that can adapt to change. Our Battery Testing Solutions white paper invites readers to learn more about the evolving battery market and how investing in an ATP can help stay ahead of the advancing market.
Battery Test Solutions for Demanding Testing Needs
Modern developments have accelerated the need for battery testing solutions that can quickly and reliably bring a product to market. Within the white paper, AES outlines the pressures industries feel from the market and their unique requirements. These ongoing shifts have pushed industries to find flexible solutions that test their products effectively and save them financially in the long run. Our ATP® series and AES are unparalleled investments.
Established in 2005, the All Test Platform solution has grown expansively and now includes four types of battery fixtures. The ATP Platform is broken down into four different solutions that meet different needs in the industry:
- ATPHEAVY Adaptable
These innovative fixtures can open a world of opportunity for a buyer. Numerous companies go through multiple different manufacturers, from fixture designers to cycler manufacturers, to keep up with testing demands. Companies who build a fixture in-house instead of outsourcing only find themselves in more of a financial burden. The engineering employee costs and materials can quickly stack up, and if a product or built solution doesn’t work as expected, this only stretches the timeline. Learn more through our white paper on how AES’s battery fixtures can be integrated into our battery chambers to create customizable solutions, allowing users to accommodate a wide range of cell sizes, channels, and amps without needing new battery test chambers or fixtures.
ATP Cost-Benefit Analysis
Battery costs, including EV battery cells, are expected to increase by 22% by 2026. This surge could drastically impact industries. Apart from the ongoing time and financial resources industries lose from the many manufacturers used to create a fixture, this market shift requires industries to rely on a provider that can save them resources, be adaptable to ongoing project needs, and provide a lifetime value.
The white paper provides an honest glimpse into the cost-effectiveness of ATP test chamber solutions. AES can provide each customer with an efficient solution, enabling them to have an ATP for over a decade without repairs, modifications, or replacements. Consider its long-term benefits for the following industries:
The race to produce longer-lasting batteries in vehicles has skyrocketed battery testing for electric vehicles. To keep up with these changes, EV manufacturers often spend countless hours and dollars routinely to meet shifts, which include chamber capabilities and cell types. With an ATP fixture, such as the ATPHEAVY Adaptable, the chamber can easily accommodate larger-capacity batteries, multiple geometries of the pouch, and prismatic and cylindrical cells. As a result, EV manufacturers do not have to continually purchase a new chamber and fixture to test new chemistries. The Adaptable allows them to switch battery holders and cables for different current requirements effortlessly and when testing requirements shift.
Consumer Electronics
Electronic products are in high demand from smartphones to laptops, pushing consumer electronic companies to develop new technologies to avoid risk, improve efficiency, and be more cost-effective. With a fixture and chamber from AES, these companies can safely catch performance faults, saving them considerable time, money, and resources. Depending on your requirements, AES will work with you to find the best solution, whether our ATPPRIME or ATPHEAVY is adaptable.
The medical and pharmaceutical industry relies on battery technology for devices such as pacemakers and CT scanners. It may be the driving force behind the increasing democratization and accessibility of healthcare. Companies can spend thousands of dollars to continue research and testing to meet the community's needs. Through AES, our battery fixtures from ATPPRIME to the Adaptable can increase efficiency and allow companies to test without needing a brand-new chamber.
Check Out Our White Paper
AES is dedicated to supporting customers as they navigate an evolving environmental test chamber frontier. We invite you to read our white paper and discover how AES provides the highest quality and cost-effective battery fixture solutions. And if you’re looking for more insight, check out our Battery Chambers Buyers Guide. Learn more about what factors to consider when buying a battery test chamber and why choosing the right partner is important. With AES, you can always be confident that we place our best chamber forward.